Electricians. Maybe not the most glamorous of professions, but certainly a necessary one! What would we do without them?
The answer? Not much.
Electricians are responsible for installing and maintaining the complex electrical systems that bring power and light to our lives. Without electricians, we'd all be living in the dark! No computers, no telephones, nada.
Electricians come in many types. For example, there are:
-> Linemen, the guys you see out working the wires on the side of I80, in a snowstorm at the Utah / Wyoming line
-> Wiremen, the guys who work in office buildings, hospitals, and private homes.
They have ranks, too. There are:
-> Apprentice Electricians - least experienced of all, the role of the apprentice is to learn the trade under the guidance of experienced and accomplished electricians.
-> Journeymen Electricians - more experienced, journeymen electricians have successfully completed their apprenticeships and have been found competent by a licensing authority.
-> Master Electricians - most experienced, master electricians generally have more than 7 years experience and have passed an advanced examination covering the National Electric Code, or NEC.
So how's the job market for electricians? Amazingly great! The Bureau of Labor Services predicts a 23% increase in openings for qualified electricians between 2010 and 2020. And the pay's not bad either! Electricians make, on average, $23.50 per hour, or approximately $50,000 per year. You don't need go to college to become an electrician, but an apprenticeship of several years is required.
Is it dangerous work? Of course! Working with electricity, one of the most potent forces of nature, is always going to be dangerous. That's why it's so important to contact a qualified electrician if you suspect problems with your electrical system. Professional, licensed, and insured, a qualified and competent electrician is a must for any electrical project, no matter how small.